Metroid Prime Federation Force 3DS Blast Ball Demo – Online Shuts down Dec. 31st
While Federation Force has quite the interesting history, the title got a special demo that released before launch to get people excited about the game. It contains the entire Blast Ball mini game with full online support…..but this will be going offline soon.
Thank you for your continued support. The online multiplayer feature for the Metroid Prime: Federation Force Blast Ball demo will be discontinued at 2016/12/31 23:59 PST. The discontinuation of this demo feature will not impact the online multiplayer feature available in the full version of the game.
Discovered on NeoGaf, it was found that the Blast Ball demo will not have online support after Dec. 31st 2016. I makes since, as the demo served it’s purpose already (get people excited about the game) but it is a shame to see a demo lose it’s online features.
Considering Federation Force has full online for both it’s campaign and it’s Blast Ball mode, it makes sense to gut the online mode from the demo versions.