3WORLD! is now a subsidiary of Motwera!
Now you can visit my personal blog where i will blog about things and also share so many stuff including stuff from my twitter =)
Now you can visit my personal blog where i will blog about things and also share so many stuff including stuff from my twitter =)
3WORLD! just got a new look for its site , with the following new and removed: New : the home page is a splash page with the latest posts displayed under the splash Faster loading times Removed : Mail and Social Feed due to problems with the plugin itself. Spaces are back integrated with the Site! Login from the top bar and also a much more minimal and simple navigation bar. and more is coming soon.. -3WORLD! Admin (Motwera)
The forums are now separate from the main website because of performance issues so you might find some errors in the new forums. Also the new forums has user blogs , so you can post your own news/thoughts from there and you will now need to register from the forums only, not from the blog and main site! Greetings, Admin of 3WORLD!