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Talk about anything related to Sonic 🙂 OR even a fanwork, this is a whole thread dedicated to Sonic!
The beats are beat but the only other NBA game in town is doing quite well. Publisher Majesco‘s Kinect-enabled basketball-handling game NBA Baller Beats sold only 3,000 copies in the U.S. in its release month of September, the NPD industry research group told Joystiq .
via: www.gamesradar.com
Changing the face of games – the diversity of indies
The schedule handed out at the beginning of Indiecade was wrong. You had to go to the registration booth and look at a sign any time you wanted to know what talk was going on or when and where a special event was starting.
via: www.gamasutra.com
Capcom is not traditionally known for letting its prized properties to sit around collecting dust, but it’s been a long, long time since the company has done much of anything with Darkstalkers. Sure, Morrigan, Hsien-Ko and Felicia all appear in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (and, of course, Ultimate Marvel vs.
via: gamerant.com
Display "Apple Maps Dark Knight Parody Movie HD" from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube Open "Apple Maps Dark Knight Parody Movie HD" directly Just watch 🙂
Well, you remember that Valve released their Steam‘s Big Picture mode? well, it looks like in a interview with Engadget, they confirmed that they will be preparing their internally-made hardware to test out Steam’s Big Picture mode and maybe make a SteamBox 🙂 See The interview at Engadget: Link To Article
*Shrugs* at least its a typical leak of EVERY Microsoft Studio game, what did you expect? Source/VIA: NeoGAF
Man, every big Sonic Fanboy will understand this, aren’t they?