Marvel Game Studios – “We Know the Demand for Marvel vs. Capcom”
On the heels of the announcement of Insomniac Games’ take on the iconic comic hero Spider-Man and TellTales Marvel project, Marvel Game Studios talked to Polygon about understanding the demand for another Marvel vs. Capcom Title.
“There’s nothing we can say at this time,” Ong told Polygon. “Let’s just say that we hear that a lot. We love our fans and we certainly want to please them. Beyond that we can’t say anything at this time. But who knows what the future holds?”
Ong said Marvel Games has “lots of things in the works, quite a few in the console space that are unannounced.”
This is interesting to hear, so if a new MvC game is in the works, we will likely hear about it in the future.
Source: NeoGaf VIA Polygon