EA Conference – EA Sports Line Up (Madden, FIFA, ect)
Trailers for titles like Madden 2017, FIFA 2017 and more will be listed here with further details come out.
Trailers for titles like Madden 2017, FIFA 2017 and more will be listed here with further details come out.
During the press conference, EA and Respawn Entertainment showed off some of the first MP footage of the game. The game has six new Titans, more options and deep progression system. They plan on releasing a MP beta of the game in the future. To confirm rumors, the Titanfall 2 will be having a single player mode too. It will be an in-depth campaign exploring the bond between the pilots and titans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMZ3q7R-Ae8 Source: EA Press Conference
Recore from Armpature, Concept and Microsoft Game Studios is releasing Sept. 13, 2016 (North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific except Japan), Sept. 15, 2016 (Japan) and Sept. 16, 2016 (Europe and other global regions). It is also labelled to be a Xbox One Console Exclusive, so its likely it will be getting a PC version in the future. Source: NeoGaf
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Source: NeoGaf
The system that is supposed to be announced during Microsoft’s press event got leaked, with it having a larger hard-drive, support for 4K Video and more. We will be learning more once the system gets officially announced tomorrow. Source: NeoGaf
Dead Rising 4 was leaked a few days ago but now more screen shots came out for the title. They look promising, having higher IQ compared to Dead Rising 3 and the game looks more colorful compared to DR3. We will likely hear more about the project at either Microsoft’s or Sony’s conference tomorrow, so more on the game as E3 rolls-out. Source: NeoGaf
The upcoming shooter Titanfall 2 is coming out this year but now we know when its releasing. It will be coming out this October with this leak, a trailer for the games single player came out as well. Edit: EA took down the trailer, so after EA’s conference ends and they officially put out the trailer, I will update the article and put in the official video. Source: Press Start AU
Twitter user Xenosaga came out with information from an interview with From Software developer Miyzaki, who worked on a number of games in the Souls franchise. He stated that three games were in production. Xenosaga detailed what they will be below. Display content from X Click here to display content from X. Learn more in X’s privacy policy. Always display content from X Open "content" directly All three sound promising and maybe we might see one of them announced at … Read More
Persona 5 is releasing this year in Japan but no date for western markets was announced, but recently, news came out regarding this fact. The game is now releasing in North America February 27th, 2017. No word on the EU release date but we will let you know the moment that comes out. Source: NeoGaf