Take-Two Talks about the future of Gearbox’s Battleborn
Its no secret that the release of Battleborn was meet with some issues, as the game was up against games like Overwatch around its release. But Take-Two talks about how they will be supporting the game in the future despite its early launch problems.
So while one definitely has a reduced risk profile, when you put out a sequel versus new IP, I think, it’s both our obligation and our opportunity to do both. How we do that is an open question. And there are opportunities to moderate risk in so doing. And, also, the world allows you now – the world of interactive entertainment allows you now to have more than one bite at the apple.
So with regard to Battleborn, we’re being very frank about where we are, because we’re a transparent company. We’re still delivering new content to Battleborn. Audiences love Battleborn. We still have virtual currency coming for Battleborn. We’re not counting it out for a minute. We’re just telling you where we’re at now. And equally, we just launched Evolve Stage 2, which is another way to express the IP of Evolve. And we’ve had over 1 million people sign up to play Evolve Stage 2, and that’s super exciting.
So the world has changed. It’s unforgiving in that we invest a lot of money in new IP. It’s much more forgiving in that we can have consumers be part of our release. We can iterate with them. We can come back and play another day. And if your watchword is quality, there are great opportunities. Say what you will, the consumers actually really have said great things about Battleborn, as have the critics.
With this comment, we can guess that Battleborn is going down the route that another Take-Two shooter, Evolve went down; giving buyers of the original release some content all the while making a new version of the game that is free-to-play to try & grow the games user base.
Source: NeoGaf