Another/More Sonic PC Ports on the Way? – SEGA Europe Says “Stay Tuned for Next Week”

This is very interesting news; SEGA is going to discuss about future plans for more Sonic PC ports based on the above tweet. SEGA Europe held a live-stream regarding the SEGA Classics Collection 3DS release in Europe and they saw the above question listed in that tweet. The response? This video had the people behind the live stream say “Stay tuned for next week” (Time-Stamped Link Here).
The Sonic PC port could be anything, if that is happening at all. A PC version of Unleashed and Colors could be considered for PC ports if anything else. Very interested to hear more and we will cover any announcements if they happen.
Source: Sonic Stadium Message Boards VIA Twitter Post
UPDATE: While this could happen still, Arron Webber, marking manager of Sonic, said this.
We will see what happens as more information comes out.