Owlboy Announcement Trailer – PC Release Fall 2016

Owlboy is confirmed to be releasing this Fall on Valve’s Steam Platform on PC. The game is a 2D-Side Scrolling adventure game where through your ability of flight & interacting with objects, you explore the world around you. The game looks very promising, with its pixel art being really strong & the game looking to run very well based off of released gameplay footage.
Wishlist Owlboy on Steam! – Coming Fall 2016. Owlboy is a high-bit adventure game where your are gifted with the power of flight! Join Otus and his friends and explore a brand new world in the skies!
Owlboy – http://www.owlboygame.com
D-Pad Studio – http://www.dpadstudio.com
Music by Jonathan Geer – http://jonathangeer.com/