Beyond Good & Evil 2 Being Teased? – Michel Ancel Post on Instagram Retweeted by Ubisoft France

This image on the right was found on Michel Ancel’s Instagram and he says the following.
michelancel Somewhere in system 4 …
– Thanks #ubisoft for making this possible !
What does this mean, well, System 4 is a reference to the original Beyond Good & Evil and with recent rumors this year surrounding the game, its very possible that we will be hearing an announcement on this project soon.
Its is also worth noting that Ubisoft France released this tweet.
When translated it says “Michel Ancel has an Instagram account and we recommend that you pay close attention to it…..” With Ubisoft telling people to play close attention to it and referencing the original Beyond Good & Evil, it further supports the idea that something for the IP will be discussed or announced in the future.
More on this as the story develops.