Nintendo Switch Officially Announced – Home Console/Handheld Hyrbid Releasing March 2017
Today Nintendo officially announced the NX as the Nintendo Switch, with many of the rumors surrounding the device being true to a degree. A small re-cap of what the above trailer showed off.
- Docking Station that you place the handheld portion of the device into to play on TV but can pull it out to play on the go.
- Games Shown off: Unannounced 3D Mario, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Elder Scolls Skyrim, NBA2K
- You can remove control parts (left and right side of the controller) for mulitplayer gaming
- System still aimed at a March 2017 Launch
More news will likely be coming in the near future, so stay tuned for more information.