GAME Charging Fees to Play PS VR in Stores (Up to 15 Euros Per Hour)

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Game store charges for Playstation VR try out
The PlayStation VR is a system that many are interested in getting, but some aren’t willing to bite the bullet, considering a lot of people never touched VR before. Sony held free events prior to PS VR’s launch to ensue that people can play the device and have some experience with VR but retailer GAME is doing different to get people’s hands on VR.

British video games retailer GAME is charging customers to test drive the newPlayStation VR headset, which went on sale in the UK earlier this month.
Customers who want to try out the headset for a 10 minutes will have to pay £5, or £15 for a half hour. GAME said the fee will be refunded if the customer purchases a headset – but only if they buy it immediately after the demo.
Sony said the decision to charge for demos was “at the discretion” of the retailer.

To get people to play VR, they have to play X amount of money to play for specific periods of time. Many are showing anger and frustration over this news.

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This is troubling news for VR, as adding another pay wall to the platform will push people away from trying out. Hope GAME response back to people’s issues with this announcement soon.
Source: Mirror UK

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