Ratchet & Clank PS4 – Temporal AA and New Motion blur Technique Added for both PS4 & PS4 Pro
Ratchet & Clank PS4 is a great looking game and really pushes the PS4 hardware quite far. But with the game’s recent update, the game looks even better not only for the upcoming PS4 Pro, but also the standard PS4 as well.
This adds HDR support and other new features like Temporal AA and New Motion blur Technique but the most interesting part, is that the the later features are for the standard PS4 as well, NOT just for the PS4 Pro. Insomniac PR jstevenson confirmed this recently as well.
Yup on regular PS4 we added temporal AA and a new motion blur technique. Enjoy!
Below is a side-by-side comparison between the pre-patch version and post-patch version on the base PS4 platform (images taken from this NeoGaf thread).