Rumored but denied: The Collaboration of Hidetaka Miyazaki and Kentaro Miura

We have seen the influences Berserk has taken on Dark Souls and how each other complimented their tropes and have seen a rumor that a “collaboration” was taking place between Hidetaka Miyazaki (Dark Souls) and Kentaro Miura (Berserk). Unfortunately to the dismay of many who have anticipated this amazing premise, even cautiously, it was a mistranslation by gonzzink (They did meet and enjoy their time discussing their work and other things, noted by the newer article), the person responsible for sparking that rumor earlier…
Here are some bits from the newer article by gonzzink :
I earlier shared information that Miura and Miyazaki were collaborating on a project together. However during the translation, I had misunderstood and they are not collaborating, but merely enjoy each others work.
I felt it was my responsibility to correct the situation before it got out of hand. I truly am sorry to everyone about this. I only had to intent in sharing my experience and what I thought was said, but it was mistranslated and do not want to spread any rumors.