GameInformer: Lingering on Prey’s Potential and Answers (The GI Show)

We hope you’ve enjoyed our month of exclusive content covering Prey from Arkane Studios. We’re excited about this game, and we’re glad that the community submitted questions to ask the game’s creative director Raphael Colantonio and lead designer Ricardo Bare. There are still plenty of mysteries to solve surrounding this sci-fi experience, but Colantonio and Bare shed some light on key details in this episode of the podcast. Check it out if you want to learn more about comparisons to Dishonored, BioShock, and the team’s drive to have a smooth launch on PC.
In this special edition of The Game Informer Show podcast, Prey’s creative director Raphael Colantonio and lead designer Ricardo Bare from Arkane Studios (the creators of Dishonored) answer burning questions from the community about comparisons to BioShock, whether or not you can kill every NPC character like in Bethesda’s Skyrim, and why the team is optimistic about having a smoother launch on PC than Dishonored 2.