Assassins Creed Humble Bundle Live

The Humble bundle is a great platform to get games from, as every donation you put into a bundle deal goes to charity and you can play very low amounts to get a nice bundle of games to play. The latest bundle is for the Assassins Creed series and three tiers offer the following games.
– Assassin’s Creed 1
– Chronicles: India
– Chronicles: China
– Chronicles: Russia
– Assassin’s Creed II (deluxe edition)
– Assassin’s Creed III + Washington DLC
– Liberation HD
– Brotherhood
– Unity
Not a bad deal at all if you love the series and would like to check the games out. I personally really enjoyed Assassins Creed II and heard good things about the Chronicles games, so if you have any interest in the bundle, I encourage you invest in either Tier 1 or Tier 2. You can visit Humble Bundle by clicking the following link.