Hero of Legends Musings – Nintendo Switch Podcasts Featuring RK128 and Dejimon11

Hello everyone! Official 3WIREL Member Hero of Legend has his own special podcast series called ‘Hero of Legend’s Musings’, which cover a wealth of content including Sonic and Nintendo News.
I was joined Hero of Legend and Dejimon11 in talking about Nintendo Switch Predictions for the upcoming Jan. 12th event. In addition, in November 2016 I joined both once again for our thoughts on rumors releasing around that time period. Both were podcasts we all had a great time doing and we hope you guys enjoy them too! 3WIREL’s official Podcast will be returning next week and we will talk more about it closer to it’s release. If you want to see more of Hero of Legend’s Podcast, consider clicking this link, which will bring you to a playlist of all his podcasts.