Jimquisition – Nintendo’s Virtual Console

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Jimquisition – Nintendo’s Virtual Console

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Jim released a new episode of his infamous ‘Jimquisition’ series of videos and the subject for today, is the Nintendo Virtual Console. It covers his thoughts on why the platform is so weak, as he feels Nintendo should release a wealth of games at once instead of one at a time every month. With the Wii U and 3DS VC being small in comparison to the large Wii VC library.
I personally have issue with how Nintendo deals with the Virtual Console, as it could be a lot better. The Wii U VC already felt like a downgrade compared to the Wii VC due to the removal of consoles like the Genesis and Master System for example.
With the Nintendo Switch, I hope they fix the VC platform and offer a wealth of games at once instead of releasing a handful of games at a time.

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