IGN News: FF7 Remake & KH3 ‘Have Ways to Go’ Says Tetsuya Nomura

The development of KH3 and FFVII Remake are major titles for Square Enix but we might not see them for a while. Director on both projects Tetsuya Nomura stated that both have ‘ways to go’ before being released. While many might be annoyed hearing this news, note that FFVII Remake could still release in 2017 as it’s an episodic release and CyberConnect2 (Ninja Storm Series) is working on the project. So we could still see FFVII Part 1 come out this Fall if things progress at a good pace.
With KH’s already seeing two releases early 2017 (KH 1.5 & 2.5 HD and KH2.8 HD), I wouldn’t be surprised to see KH3 skip 2017. But we will see as we get closer into 2017.