Gravity Rush 2 PS4 vs. PS4 Pro Graphics & Frame Rate Comparison – Digital Foundry

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Gravity Rush 2 PS4 vs. PS4 Pro Graphics & Frame Rate Comparison – Digital Foundry

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Gravity Rush is the latest release from Studio Japan and Sony, with it being a beautiful game on the PS4 and PS4 Pro. But one question people have, is ‘How does it run?’ and Digital Foundry is ready to answer. Playing on both PS4 and PS4 Pro, they came away with results that are quite impressive. While it’s not 60FPS on Pro or have significant differences between platforms, it’s a great running and playing game on both machines.
First they went into the 4K support on PS4 Pro and the studio behind GR2 decided to make some parts of the game world native 4K but the rest run at half the 4K resolution. This results in a sharp looking game that maintains a very stable 30FPS. You can even downsample the 4K resolution to 1080p if you would like. Between the high frame rate in even physics heavy encounters, great visuals and sharp resolution; Gravity Rush 2 is a great game for the PS4 Pro.
And the best part? It feels great on the original PS4 as well. Maintaining a 1080p resolution and very stable 30FPS with minor drops, it plays great on PS4 according to Digital Foundry. Gravity Rush on the Vita faced many frame rate issues that frequently had the game hit 22-24FPS in heated combat encounters, so the fact GR2 has such an improved frame rate is impressive.

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