Reggie Promises More Reveals for Switch & Comments on Mother 3/Metroid

Nintendo’s head of NOA Reggie announced that more reveals are coming to the Switch in the coming months, which is fitting considering major events like E3 and Gamescom are happening this year; perfect places to detail more on the Switch. But he also commented on something that bothered me honestly; he assured fans of Mother 3 and Metroid to ‘Wait until next year’.
With rumors surrounding Mother 3 indicating something is happening, I can see some truth to Reggie’s words about that. But his comments about Metroid feel ‘hollow’ and it would honestly be better if he didn’t comment on the series. Games like Other M and Federation Force show they really don’t understand what the fans want from their franchises sometimes and Metroid is the one series that has no clear future.
Maybe something is happening for Metroid on Switch but I would be lying if I said I was expecting that. If you love the Metroid series, it’s best to expect nothing for the series in the future, as we don’t know if it’s getting a new game or not.