[RUMOR] L.A. Noire Remaster Releasing in the Near Future?
This is a rumor that has no official announcement from Nintendo, Rockstar or Take 2. We reported on this due to finding two sources on this rumor but in the case that this ends up being false, I want to clarify that this is a rumor. So please do not treat this as an official announcement. If you would like to read the rest of the story, please proceeded reading the post.
Rockstar is known for many games, with more famous ones being GTA and Red Dead Redemption. But the studio helped release the game called L.A. Noire on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC to critical success. Apparently, the game might be coming to the Nintendo Switch and other current generation systems, as two insiders came out with news of a Rockstar remaster/port coming out.
The first source for this news is @Yan2295, known for various rumors/leaks on Rockstar games like GTA Online and being correct most of the time. He came on Twitter today as of this writing and released the above tweet. He states that L.A. Noire is coming to the Switch in a remastered state. The word ‘remaster’ is interesting, as it implies that work is being done to make the game different from it’s original release.
Another source support this news as Vern from NeoGaf released the below leaks/rumors in a thread about the Switch.
I mentioned a R* game I’ve heard is in development and due for the fall. Remake/port/remaster whatever you wanna call it. The game was available on 360/PS3 and is still coming to switch as far as I know. Can’t say if it’s already out on PS4/bone.
So this rumor in addition to the tweet from @Yan2295 indicates that some kind of Rockstar port/remaster is on the way, whenever it’s L.A. Noire or another Rockstar title.