Andre (Black Nerd Comedy) Visits Nickelodeon Studios for New Building Opening

Well, this is interesting! For a non-gaming news post, I thought this would be fun to talk about, as I grew up with Nick cartoons over the years. YouTube gaming celebrity Andre “Black Nerd Comedy” was able to visit the new studio for Nick’s animation house. This was a really nice event based on his video as he was able to see old art that the animators produced over the years, talk with Tom Kenny (voice of Spongebob and Ice King), and more.
Nick is a channel I loved watching growing up and I have fond memories of many cartoons it produced, so I hope they continue to offer quality animation in the future. With hour-long specials for Hey Arnold and Rocko’s Modern Life releasing in 2017 in addition to new cartoons coming out, they are in the right direction.