Watch Dogs 2 – Play For Free Demo Trailer & Details

Watch Dogs 2 is getting a special free demo for the PS4 and Xbox One, with Ubisoft explaining what content you can find in the demos below.
Play co-op or on your own in the vast open world of San Francisco where hacking is your ultimate weapon. You will have access to all game modes and if you decide to purchase the game, your progress and experience will carry over.
- PS4 – 10 am PST January 17
- Xbox One – 10 am PST January 24
- Free Trial Ends 10pm PST February 7
Links to the Demos can be found for the PS4 and Xbox One here. The game is currently on sale for both platforms as well, so this could be a great way to test the game out and see if you would like to purchase the full experience. Many reviews and comments indicate that Watch Dogs 2 improves upon many elements from the original game, ensuring the title is a better experience.