How Vicarious Visions Developed Over 100+ Games in 27 Years – Game Informer

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How Vicarious Visions Developed Over 100+ Games in 27 Years – Game Informer

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Vicarious Visions is a major studio within Activision and have produced many titles over the years. While most recently in the spotlight due to being the main studio working on the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, they have done a lot. Skylanders franchise, Guitar Hero DS titles and more are just some of the many IP they had their hands with since it’s inception.

In this interview from The Game Informer Show, Guha and Karthik Bala talk about their new startup called Veyland Studios and run through the shockingly prolific history of Vicarious Visions before and after Activision’s purchase. The Balas talk about the challenges of creating handheld versions of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, Crash Bandicoot, Guitar Hero, and much more.

Game Informer was able to get studio members Guha and Karthik about the many games they worked on and more in the almost hour long video interview you can watch above. It’s great seeing the studio come out and talk about the many games they worked on, as they produced some quality productions.
I most recently reviewed their first major game in the Skylanders franchise SWAP Force and greatly enjoyed it, with that game starting them to become major developers for the franchise.

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