Shovel Knight – Specter of Torment: Nintendo Switch Version Gameplay Releases

Shovel Knight is confirmed for the Nintendo Switch and Yacht Club Games gave press the chance to try out the Switch version recently. GameXplain was able to capture footage of Specter Knight’s hunt through a heavily modified ‘Great Plains’ level that both Shovel & Plague Knight tackled before. Using really creative mechanics, Specter Knight appears to play nothing like past characters in Shovel Knight.
His low jump is compensated for his ability to do a homing attack-like slash when jumping in the air and levels look to be heavily modified to leverage this mechanic. Various sections of the Plains level are quite different and it looks like a blast trying to find all the secrets with careful homing-slash timing. Combat looks to be different too, with Specter Knight being melee focused instead of using projectiles like Plague Knight.
The gameplay footage really impressed me and the nice touch of having a darker visual style for the Great Plains & a new remix playing for the stage shows me Yacht Club Games is treating this far more like a new title rather then letting a new character run through past levels Shovel Knight completed.
Can’t wait to play this in the future and we will be reviewing this expansion/new title once it releases across many platforms in the coming months.