Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age – New Information and Gameplay Videos

Today Square Enix featured a nice chunk of gameplay of the upcoming Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age during a stage event at Taipei Game Show. The gameplay was introduced by Final Fantasy Brand Manager Shinji Hashimoto and played live Producer Hiroaki Kato.
We get to see quite a bit of exploration and combat, including a boss battle, the Gambit menu, and a glimpse on the Turbo feature that can be triggereed with L1. A second super-brief video showcased the boss battle again, but since it was streamed in full screen (as opposed to a window like the previous gameplay) the resolution is better. The re-release of the game will have backgrounds, character models and even cutscenes and fonts will be overhauled in high resolution to match the current generation. Audio will support 7.1 surround sound, higher quality voice acting will be included
Both Japanese and English voices will be available as a selection in the options, and the soundtrack will also be available in two versions: “original” and “re-recorded” in the settings. Loading times will be reduced, an auto-save feature will be added, and the Turbo mode will also be improved.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is releasing later this year on the PS4 but it was recently live-streamed at a Japanese event. FF Brand Manager detailed some changes and fixes over the original PS2 release which is detailed above in a quote from an article DualShockers wrote. It is great seeing a PS2 Classic get so much love and care in it’s transition to the PS4. We will report on any more changes and additions this title will be receiving.