Poi – New Trailer for Feb. 2017 Full-Release on Steam

3D Platformers are having a great time in 2017 with Mario, Sonic, Crash, and Yooka-Laylee all being present in some form. But one title is getting a surprise release in 2017; Poi. Originating as a kickstarter that didn’t get funded, the studio has been working hard on finishing the game since it was up on Early Access since 2015. The game is seeing a full release on Steam as a finished production in February 2017 however.
Full release on Steam February 1st, 2017! http://store.steampowered.com/app/401…
Poi is a 3D platformer featuring two kids on a grand adventure to unravel the mysteries of the Milky Way Globe. Explore uncharted lands, compete in challenge levels, meet quirky characters and defeat comical creatures on a journey to become a Master Explorer.
This is wonderful news and we will be sure to continue covering the title as we get closer to it’s Feb. 1st launch on Steam. Currently no word for console release as of now.