PlayStation 4 Pro – Boost Mode: Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3 is infamous for running quite badly on both PS4 and Xbox One, but with the PS4 Pro, many could see the game running far better on consoles. I say this due to the fact that the PS4 Pro Boost Mode literary transforms the game into being a far more stable experience.
Having a more stable frame rate above 30FPS, you can explore the vast open world and preform tons of explosions without the game chugging now. While this shouldn’t be major news, as games should run well on consoles to be playable experiences, PS4 Pro users can actively play Just Cause 3 the way it was meant to be played on consoles finally.
Hopefully Square Enix will release a proper patch that irons out the frame issues for all PS4 users at a later point in the future.