Yooka-Laylee – Capital Cashino Level Footage (IGN)

With the inbound release of Yooka-Laylee coming in April for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC, Playtonic games released the above gameplay video to IGN to release. It shows off the games ‘Capital Cashino’ level and it shows a lot of interesting elements of Yooka-Laylee as a whole.
Gameplay looks strong, thanks to the large moveset pool you have access to and when the game pushes platforming it presents solid level design that gets more challenging. But the size of the level is a bit too large, giving it an empty feeling. In addition, the coloring choice for the level is oddly bleak for what normally is a colorful setting in platformers (the casino theme).
I am still excited for Yooka-Laylee’s release and have high hopes for the title personally, so consider watching the above video if you want to learn more about the game.