Digital Foundry Retro: NES Classic Mini – The Enthusiast’s Review

One question that has come up since the release of Nintendo’s hard to find NES Mini is how well does it emulate classic Nintendo games? I mean, reports indicate it’s much better compared to the Wii U Virtual Console service but what about other NES devices? There are many versions of the NES both officially produced by Nintendo and third party manufactures that support NES games.
Digital Foundry goes on another Retro tour and instead of a classic game, they look at an old-school system!
And now for something completely different! DF Retro tests out the hugely popular NES Classic Mini. Does the quality of the emulation and the choice of games hold up for the most hardcore NES enthusiast? John has all the answers.
This video was well-put together, informative and shows you about the many versions of the NES on the market place. If you heavily enjoy playing retro classics and want to get the best NES console, consider watching the above video for your answer!