Jim Sterling v. Digital Homicide Case Comes to Close + Teaser for Next Jimquisition

For a long time Jim Sterling, gaming critic and former writer for Destructoid, has been battling indie studio Digital Homicide after being threatened with a lawsuit. This has been on-going for a full year and just recently has been put to rest. Jim gave an official statement that you can check out here but below is a short quote from his post.
After a year of lingering and a cavalcade of increasingly exasperating amendments, it is a distinct personal pleasure to finally be able to say that the lawsuit “James Romine v. James Stanton” has been dismissed with prejudice following discussions between my lawyer Bradley Hartman and the plaintiff James Romine.
I will not go over the entirety of the lawsuit or its associated ordeal in this statement. There are a lot of things to talk about but right now I want to take a moment to simply respond to the immediate news.
This is great news and hopefully this will stop studios making asset flips from harassing critics who are voicing their opinion. If you noticed, this posted opened with a video. Jim released this today giving the date 2/27/16. That is when Jimquisitions normally go up, meaning that a full episode dedicated to his battle with Digital Homicide is happening. We will learn more about what happened hopefully and we will report on whatever is stated in the video once it goes live next week (as of this writing).