First Breath of the Wild Review Comes out (EDGE Magazine) – Quote from Review
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a huge game, that is impressing many people. But many are wondering if it will live up to the hype. While we might not be reviewing the game in time for launch, others are offering feedback on their experience with Zelda. Many of these are previews that were allowed to release after Nintendo’s embargo was lifted, but reviews will start releasing March 2nd.
However EDGE Magazine revealed in their latest issue that they will be reviewing the title and a quote from the review’s conclusion came out.
“The result, for all the longevity of its series and the familiarity of the open world genre, is a game that evokes feelings we haven’t felt for 20 years. Not since Ocarina of Time have we set foot in a world that feels so mind-bogglingly vast and unerringly magical, that proves so relentlessly intriguing. Plenty of games promise to let us go anywhere and do anything. Few, if any, ever deliver so irresistibly. 19 years on Ocarina is still held up as the high water mark of gamings best loved and greatest series. Now it may have to settle for second place”.
This shouldn’t really be news-worthy, as it’s just a quote. But considering this is one of the first reviews we are getting wind of, this indicates we might be in for a very impressive Zelda adventure. Once more reviews come in, we will be providing a round-up like we’ve done in the past for other titles. Stay tuned for further Zelda and Nintendo news as it comes out.