The Jimquisition – When Jim Sterling Was Sued for $10 Million by Digital Homicide

The long battle between Jim Sterling and Digital Homicide concluded and Jim is finally able to talk about the case he was going through. He teased last week this episode would be going live but now, Jim gives us one of the longest Jimquisition Episodes in the entire series clocking at over 38 Minutes. It’s a great video that details the long saga of Jim’s encounters with Digital Homicide. Learning more about the case, Jim’s more muted tone compared to most of his work indicates the case took it’s toll on Sterling. I’m happy the legal battle is finally over and he can move on from this experience.
For those wondering why he was willing to not pursue addition battles with DH for legal fees, he gave the following comment.
The cost in doing so would be throwing good money after bad. I could no more get my legal fees back from Romine than Romine could get $15million from me. The energy and time spent doing so would be better spent continuing to produce and improve my content. Unlike Digital Homicide, I try not to waste work hours pursuing grudges.
This “settlement” was as much pragmatism as lenience. I’m not that good a person. A continuation of vindictiveness would lead to pyrrhic results at best. I meant what I said when I stated I couldn’t hurt James more than he’s hurt himself, and I do not care enough to want to try. There have been times over this past year where I was angry enough to want to, where I desired to let this play out just to officially destroy the arguments, send a message, and demand non-monetary compensation (I’m serious in my offer for the Digital Homicide brand name, but I’m not paying over three figures for it). Now it’s over, however, I just don’t feel it. This whole thing ended rather sadly, and the desire for merciless revenge just isn’t there.
Honestly – and I am not saying this to be insulting – I think the Romines got in over their head and got frightened. I would have been as well. But then I’m looking at two guys who I think are scared, and there’s nothing to be gained from kicking people who are worried like that. This is also why I’m stopping my coverage of the lawsuit at this video, instead of the more extravagant and extended verbal kicking I’d dreamed about while at my angriest. I have folders of content collected over the past year that I hope I won’t ever need to touch. I’ve said before that I want the Romines to become good videogame developers. I would still like to see that. I enjoy a good redemption story, and I’d be the first to praise anything they made that was genuinely good.
All this said, however, I certainly do not forgive James Romine for this lawsuit and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it. It’d take more than an apology for me to truly be “classy” and accept a real peace. My “classiness” extends to resetting the clock on my opinion of their work, should their work ever be notable enough to cross my desk again.