Yooka-Laylee – Nintendo Switch Version Announced!

Nintendo recently had a special Indie-focused direct that details some of the many indie titles coming out on the Nintendo Switch. One of the biggest games confirmed for the console is Playtonic Games Yooka-Laylee. Honoring the 3D platformer from the N64 days, it is a love letter to fans of the classic Banjo-Kazooie.
Many were wondering how the game runs on Switch, considering how it’s Wii U port was scrapped due to issues with that version’s development. Thankfully it seems that the game runs great on the Switch, as the above trailer shows off the game running on the Switch.
Being able to take this massive 3D platformer on the go is a wonderful move and Nintendo promised Switch owners wouldn’t have to wait long to play it. This makes me think that it might launch day-and-date with the PS4/Xbox One/PC versions but no confirmation on that yet.