Beta64 – Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild is finally out after over four years of development time passing. We were able to review the game recently but seeing it’s original demos/builds indicate a lot has changed for the final release. How much has changed though? Well this is where Beta64 comes into play. They released a lengthy video detailing many differences between the two versions, early builds from E3 2016 and footage from TGA 2014.
What we end up seeing is quite a bit of content got changed. One key point is how the GamePad for the Wii U version became worthless; the original release planed for more usage of the device such as a map you can interact with via touch screen. The final release uses the GamePad’s gyro controls and nothing more outside of remote play however. Other differences detailed include HUD changes, minor graphical changes and more.
I highly recommend giving this video a watch, as you will learn more about one of the most massive games Nintendo has created.