NieR Automata – PS4 Pro vs. PS4 Comparison & Frame Rate Test (Digital Foundry)

NieR Automata is coming out soon and many are wondering if the final game is not only a great playing experience but also a stable one. With Platinum Games developing this title, the expectation for a well-running games is present and based off Digital Foundry’s findings, it’s solid.
The game runs at 900p/60FPS on base PS4 with it largely staying around 40-50FPS most of the time while the PlayStation 4 Pro not only gets 1080p resolution but also a more stable frame rate. Both versions are playable, but one thing that DF points out is how well the game shifts different gameplay styles within it’s engine but never having problems.
You could be fighting robots on the ground one moment but the next you are flying fighter jets in a top-down shooter section. It mixes things up (like the original NieR) but with Platinum Game’s on board for development, the glue holding things together is quite strong.