Jak & Daxter’s Adventures Coming to PlayStation 4 Through PS2 on PS4 Program

While Nathan Drake had is (seemingly) last adventure on the PlayStation 4, Ellie going on a dark adventure in Last of Us Part II in the future and the naughty Bandicoot having an N. Sane run this June…Naughty Dog’s legacy is front and center in the PlayStation 4 library. But one duo is missing…and while this isn’t a brand new adventure, games can play the iconic travels of JaK & Daxter on PlayStation 4.
Through using the PS2 on PS4 program, the four PS2 titles (Jak 1-3 & Jak X: Combat Racing) will be playable on PS4 through upscaled visuals and trophy support. This is strange though, considering Jak 1-3 already got proper remastered ports on PlayStation 3 a few years back (and a butchered port on PS Vita afterward), so the move of making the ISO’s of games playable on the PS4’s PlayStation 2 emulator strikes me as…lazy to be honest. They could have ported the series on to PS4 natively like how Uncharted and Last of Us got in the past.
Either way, it’s great the PS2 on PS4 program is still getting used for something and if you pre-order the upcoming DLC expansion for Uncharted 4, you can get Jak 1 as a free bonus.