Gears for Breakfast, ‘A Hat in Time’ Dev, Clarification regarding console ports (Switch)

A curious case of multi-platform releases is that whenever a well-demanded platform like the Nintendo Switch is missing from those releases, people naturally demand them, of course, that’s not an easy task to perform, especially when you got a smaller team at hand. Recently, after the multiplatform console reveal of ‘A Hat in Time’, the development team behind it, Gears for Breakfast, have been met with those numerous requests by fans eager to play the game on the go, suffice to say, they have now clarified some things regarding the Switch port, have a read:
Hey everyone, thank you so much for your continued support for A Hat in Time!! A while ago, we asked our fans to make sure to let everyone know how much you care for the game, and you really have! Humble and Gears now have access to Nintendo Switch devkits. Unfortunately we won’t have time to touch the devkits for a while now that we’re SO close to release (October 5th). Additionally, we’d like to remind everyone that there are NO PLANS for additional releases until we make any kind of official announcement.
Gears for Breakfast Development Team (Twitlong)
In summary, they recently obtained the dev-kits but are not able to work on the Nintendo Switch port with no plans to change that until further notice, since they are almost done with the development of the game on its long-awaited release of October 5, 2017. Suffice to say, we humbly cannot wait to see what this game has to offer.