Patcher’s unrealistic 240fps prediction for PS4.. (Responding to him?)
Everybody, including me (Author of this post..) are excited about next gen of Consoles (PC master race are already in!)
but.. We hate some Analysts who most of the time who bring unrealistic expectations about the Video game industry, like Patcher, as everybody expected..
Let me start..
Sony’s new console will feature graphics chips developed by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and processors capable of rendering games at 240 frames per second, Pachter said. Current-generation games typically render at 30 or 60 frames per second. As with past model changes, Sony will continue to produce and sell the almost 7-year-old PlayStation 3.
I can say that the PS4 and Xbox 8 will both feature an AMD APUs, being natively able to render 1080p at 60fps (I hope it does),
Sony “is 100 percent certain to announce the PlayStation 4″ at a Feb. 20 event, Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Securities in Los Angeles, said Friday, citing his checks with game developers and retailers.
Yada yada, and otherwise, he is still not right about the other stuff, expect the PS4 Meeting event. 🙂 (PS who even likes old men shouting at the clouds?)
The Japan Times via NeoGAF