Ugh, error 500
Ugh, error 500
Ugh, error 500
Mmmmm, i am so bored, even with trying to see how i can finish my studies, working on #GINEfps, and doing some stuff god knows if its useful via Twitter (User-made)
Mmmmm, i am so bored, even with trying to see how i can finish my studies, working on #GINEfps, and doing some stuff god knows if its useful via Twitter (User-made)
Updates on #GINEfps will be more noticeable on June/July! Stay tuned for more 🙂 -3W Admin via Twitter (User-made)
Updates on #GINEfps will be more noticeable on June/July! Stay tuned for more 🙂 -3W Admin via Twitter (User-made)
MotweraCompany: #3w has been unified in terms ofd activity/news feed to ensure that every comment, post, sister site post or status update are displayed! Via Twitter
Its a good video for those who want to know what generally crash was about in 1996, i guess.. Filed under: All things crash!, Others via Crashy News
It says: @Admin of 3WORLD!: mmmm, let me try this again. via
It says: Mmm, gotta fix this, some serious errors have gone through.. via
It says: Mmmm, i am gonna make a better one this weekend via Comments for 3WORLD!