MotweraCompany: Hello, testing this, testing that, should appear at @3worldsite when posted #www
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We will bring back the server that some of the members who were playing in it and enjoyed it in almost a week. Patience, people! Regards, 3W Admin
#thesims4 announced, star wars IP has been accquired by EA
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The sims 4 WILL be announced on May 6th, proven by SimsVIP! Display "“EA To Make “Big Announcement” for The Sims” — SimsVIP" from Click here to display content from Always display content from Open "“EA To Make “Big Announcement” for The Sims” — SimsVIP" directly LINKS:
Tank! Tank! Tank Now Free For North American Wii U Owners Nintendo of America has announced that Tank! Tank! Tank! developed by Namco Bandai is now completely free to download on Wii U with paid DLC in tow. The game went free to play in Europe a number of months ago. In Tank! Tank! Tank! the player takes control of a tank and is tasked with shooting numerous monsters with a bountiful supply of ammunition. via:
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection can’t fit MGS4 on Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection is coming exclusively to PlayStation 3. Solid Snake and Sony were best friends for a while, but the HD Collection finally brought Metal Gear Solid 2 , 3 , and Peace Walker to Xbox 360. Why couldn’t Konami do it again with this comprehensive package? via:
PlayStation E3 press conference set for June 10 Sony has announced that they’ll be holding their annual E3 press conference on June 10, 2013 at 6PM PT. Sony hasn’t said anything beyond the date, but you can expect the conference to be livestreamed, as well as covered live right here on Destructoid. Obviously they’ll be talking about the PlayStation 4. via: