kotakucom: Don’t Ask Why Sonic Is In Ocarina of Time. Just Go…
kotakucom: Don’t Ask Why Sonic Is In Ocarina of Time. Just Go With It. via Tumblr http://3worldsite.tumblr.com/post/56928094471
kotakucom: Don’t Ask Why Sonic Is In Ocarina of Time. Just Go With It. via Tumblr http://3worldsite.tumblr.com/post/56928094471
polygondotcom: New GTA 5 screens show plane, car and helicopter chases. via Tumblr http://3worldsite.tumblr.com/post/56834964912
Reblogged from Another Castle: Since Kickstarter’s inception in 2009, many amazing projects have come to fruition through crowd funding and have left users generally happy. Occasionally, a project may take a bit longer to produce or may miss the funding mark altogether, but for the most part it is a fantastic way to support a great item with exclusive bonuses. Board games seem to have a huge following on the site and some have even broken the one million dollar … Read More
It looks like were going to get real sentinels this time, rather than the Danger room head cop-out scene in ‘The Last Stand’. Another one coming soon is the Robocop reboot This is cool, you need to hear the podcast.. https://soundcloud.com/playlegit/player-gamers-ball-9-the-comic via Player Gamer’s Ball #9: The Comic-Con 2013 address « Play Legit : Legitimate Gaming – PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, iOS, PC.
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It says: Hi via http://3world.lostsig.com/comment-on-activision-blizzard-splits-from-vivendi-by-activision-blizzard-splits-from-vivendi-yep-crashy-news/#comment-372
It says: […] http://3world.lostsig.com/activision-blizzard-splits-from-vieindi/ […] via http://3world.lostsig.com/activision-blizzard-splits-from-vieindi/#comment-370
3W!: We are focused on being a social, unique, and achievable gaming news website with in addition of GINE as our first video game! GamingDead: More focused on formal news, but has a video game, store and podcasts (Only thing missing for now from 3W) but we are not enemies, we are friends.. Even if we did not say a single word on theirs! Check out GamingDead!
Yes, we still post them, but you can also strengthen the amount of news or even the quality with the help of you!
There’s merge, and then… There’s this. What could it mean to COD, WoW, and even Crash and skylanders? We will find out in the next few years. Via FT.com