3WORLD! Fix(?): the empty status poster warning possibly no longer appears when posting via Front-en
3WORLD! Fix(?): the empty status poster warning possibly no longer appears when posting via Front-end editor
3WORLD! Fix(?): the empty status poster warning possibly no longer appears when posting via Front-end editor
3WORLD! fix (theme official update later): Fixed when content do not appear on pages..
Display "Sonic 3 Remastered" from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube Open "Sonic 3 Remastered" directly Hey, my fellow readers/users: I would like to announce that if you are a Sonic fan, and have/haven’t played Sonic 3/Knuckles, then this is your chance to ask the people at SEGA Networks to turn the Sonic 3 Pitch from Taxman/Stealth* into a real game for mobile and possibly consoles/PC! It … Read More
Idea: Restore a once-semi-active external forums, rename current activity forums to “Boards” to try to avoid confusion, still isn’t the main forums
Proposal: Major revamp that is completely radical. Conceptuals will be posted when done
3WORLD! Update: Category comments are back, let me know if there are any other bugs by using Twitter, or by commenting 😉
New thumbs rating images are now being used, credit goes to this post by Steepster http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ks94dfAkzw1qz5wnt.png Source: http://blog.steepster.com/post/226679106/better-rating-system
Hello, this is example, yada, blah
Originally posted on Tired Old Hack: *which isn’t actually as corrupt as some people claim Many people, myself included, would say game reviews are the most important part of being a games journalist. We can write news articles, previews, blog pieces and the like about a game until we’re blue in the fingers, but all this coverage is mere hype building up to the ultimate question: is it any good? Because of their importance, it’s also no surprise that reviews … Read More