Nintendo E-Shop Summer Sale
Nintendo launched a sale for a number of third party titles on Wii U and 3DS, with the prices detailed here. More games are on sale and can be found on Nintendo‘s store front or on their website. Happy shopping!
Mega Man Legacy Collection 3DS: 9.99
Resident Evil Revelations 3DS: 4.99
Resident Evil Revelations Wii U: 9.99
Resident Evil Mercenaries: 4.99
Super Street Fighter IV 3D: 4.99
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (3DS/Wii U): 13.49
Ducktails Remastered: 5.10
Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystera: 5.99
Sonic Generations 3DS: 19.99
Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric: 19.99
Sonic Lost World (Wii U): 19.99