Nintendo NX – Secret Idea Preventing Announcement for Console
“In terms of NX, there’s an idea that we’re working on,” said “Super Mario” and “Donkey Kong” creator Shigeru Miyamoto through a Japanese translator. “That’s why we can’t share anything at this point, and I don’t want to comment on the other companies. If it was just a matter of following advancements in technology, things would be coming out a lot quicker.”
Nintendo has been very quiet on the details of its upcoming console and the reason for this is to prevent others from copying the systems unique features. Considering Nintendo pushed motion and touch controls with the Wii & DS, it makes sense that they would hold off announcing something until they are sure no one knows what they have in store for the future.
We will hopefully hear about the NX later this year, considering Nintendo wants the system to release it early 2017.
Source: Press Start AU