NIS America Anime Expo Breakdown

MotweraGamingLeave a Comment

NIS America had a panel during the anime expo and it went over a few games already announced and other details. Hope you enjoy this article and the listed games will be covered in future articles.

Source: RPG Site

The Vita title Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness is relasing on September 13th for PS4 and Vita, with the title being based on the popular anime series. We will have more coverage on the title but for now, consider watching this announcement trailer to learn more about the game.

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Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet (PS4) was shown during the NIS America Panel and will be releasing on September 6th. A Trailer for the game will be below if you want to learn more about the title.

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NIS America also shared some announcements they talked about in the past regarding Steam. One being Phantom Brave coming to Steam on July 25th and Team Fortress 2 getting NIS America hats. In addition, they stated that plans for future DanganRonpa games and localization’s will be shared at a later date.

More features/elements discussed during the panel are below via pictures taken by RPG Site.

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