GT Sport – Dynamic Time & Weather Not In the Game

RK128GamingLeave a Comment

Grand Turismo Sport is a major title releasing this fall on the PlayStation 4 and aims to be a graphically intensive racer for Sony’s platform. The game will not have a dynamic time nor dynamic weather cycle in the game. Head developer Kazunori Yamauchi commented on the reasoning for this with the following statement: “We opted to not have the transitions in the race this time in order to raise the frame-rate and the quality of the image during the race. … Read More

[QUICKIE] E3 2016 Times/dates – Timezone Table by AAMARMO + Livestream Options

MotweraGamingLeave a Comment

Provided generously by AAMARMO on NeoGAF Livestream links (Mostly on Twitch – Alternatives by dex3108): Sunday: EA – Bethesda Monday: Microsoft (Xbox One + – PC Gaming Show – Ubisoft – Sony Tuesday: Nintendo’s Treehouse Gameinformer’s Mike Futter notes that Nintendo will not be holding a keynote or Direct presentation. Their E3 is dedicated to the new upcoming Zelda on Wii U and NX at Nintendo Treehouse, though other things are getting announced or shown as well. Source: NeoGAF – Gameinformer

[Brief] The Internet and Gaming. – A 45+ Sec Infographic video by Dan Rossner

MotweraEntertainment, Gaming, MusicLeave a Comment

Expressing the beauty of gaming, doesn’t stop at gaming itself, it goes beyond that. Dan’s video, briefly tells the viewer, how the internet and technology helped shape video games as to what they are today, and even with the complications of some issues today, unlike so many other medias, gaming shines beautifully in the face of old-age mediums, like filmography, theatrical performances, music industry, and so on. Source: Dan Rossner

Unseen64: Heist [Video]

MotweraGamingLeave a Comment

Although this video is posted by Liam, he officially labels it as an Unseen64 feature video* *Please let me know if I should change this, Liam :V

Nintendo expects Foxconn to manufacture NX consoles in Q1 2016

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The new console is estimated to enter mass shipments in the second quarter. In addition to Foxconn, suppliers such as Foxconn Technology, Macronix, Pixart Imaging, Coxon Precise Industrial, Nishoku Technology, Delta Technology, Lingsen Precision Industries and Jentech will also supply components for the device. … Nintendo’s new game console is scheduled to enter mass production at the end of the first quarter 2016 and despite the fact that the Japan-based company is targeting to ship 20 million units in 2016, … Read More