Sonic Lost World, officially delayed.. AGAIN!
Testing back the notifications for subscriber button..
Oh yeah, I made the button also as slick as the post button on the frontpage
If you are a member of 3WORLD!, you will notice right away at most full page posts and member profile pages that are not yours, that a new button has been added, and it is called (Subscribe/Unsubscribe) button, which lets you subscribe to any user imaginable, which sends you notifications of new posts to your email that you used for registering at 3WORLD!
Yes, there is a new show, 2 new sonic games coming and confirmed, but there is a 3rd game that isn’t officially announced yet. A supposed source has sent some really fake information to several sites about the next gen Sonic.
Basically this: Chan/Reddit place: No thank you, my site already has what it needs to be better than those kinds of sites A normal gaming blog: Seriously? I wanted my website to be always better than just that Forums: No thanks (If main), I tried and has so much trouble, i made it a second nature to the site, so no Single sign on for you if using it A wiki site: Wouldn’t work, seriously it isn’t the main vision, … Read More
We have four days to get Mighty No. 9 on 3DS and PS Vita!
Changes in 3WORLD!: – Fixed “Please insert title” bug on the main page status page poster. – Added the official Google+ badge for 3W! – Changed YouTube channel from 3worldsite to 3worldtv (New) We have changed the channel, unfortunately.. the older mirrored videos were made private as a result, so if you were watching them, we are sorry.. But you can still watch them in the new channel with the new channel, expect the old intro.. Display "News of the Month #1 // 3WORLD!" from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube Open "News of the Month #1 // 3WORLD!" … Read More
iOS 7, BBM to be released for Android/iOS on weekend, GTA V = $800M, and BB Z30 #3W — 3WORLD! (@3worldsite) September 18, 2013 via