Free-to-play's the future, but not as we know it, says former Zynga and EA COO http://t.co/cswl2Vvt2P — Polygon (@Polygon) September 11, 2013 via http://twitter.com/Polygon
Free-to-play's the future, but not as we know it, says former Zynga and EA COO http://t.co/cswl2Vvt2P — Polygon (@Polygon) September 11, 2013 via http://twitter.com/Polygon
Free-to-play's the future, but not as we know it, says former Zynga and EA COO http://t.co/cswl2Vvt2P — Polygon (@Polygon) September 11, 2013 via http://twitter.com/Polygon
Project Phoenix Kickstarter beats $1M as funding closes http://t.co/wt4KEoRXZP — Polygon (@Polygon) September 11, 2013 via http://twitter.com/Polygon
Display "Mighty No. 9 vs Mega Man – "Make Me Draw!"" from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube Open "Mighty No. 9 vs Mega Man – “Make Me Draw!”" directly Seriously… anyway, you should support this game! Look up “Mighty No. 9” on Google to see it for yourself! Posted from WordPress for Android
Now that the site is up again, i would like to introduce you readers to a new, better post creator and editor! Now that it also has a widget for a quick glance at latest posts made by you, and how many you published, plus a post button with it, also… editing posts and dashboard has been reverted to the default ones, instead of being frontend to avoid delays of new features and maybe tinkering for no reason.. Have fun … Read More
Site’s up again. 🙂
【ニコ生(2013/09/09 15:00開始)】SCEJA Press Conference 2013 #PlayStation http://t.co/RYHmhw8Leq — Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) September 8, 2013 via http://twitter.com/yosp
Dtoid: Normal people aren't like us (Retail worker perspective on casual consumers) http://t.co/6icfkl3zJE — NeoGAF New Threads (@NeoGAFNewThread) September 7, 2013 via http://twitter.com/NeoGAFNewThread
GameStop code gets you Xenoblade Chronicles for $65 http://t.co/hMhWagZusx — kevin cassidy (@GoNintendoTweet) September 7, 2013 via http://twitter.com/GoNintendoTweet
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dream – launch trailer http://t.co/0zg5xJdS6K — kevin cassidy (@GoNintendoTweet) September 7, 2013 via http://twitter.com/GoNintendoTweet