Google Play Movies, Music Hits Australia, Canada and Europe on November 13th

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Google Play Movies, Music Hits Australia, Canada and Europe on November 13th

Google Play Movies, Music Hits Australia, Canada and Europe on November 13th

It’s been a wait, but hopefully it will be well worth it as Google Play Movies and Music on Google TV has been missing for those outside of the US. Rest easy. Now the company has plans to take things global. Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the UK will all get similar streaming video options on their Google TV hubs starting on November 13th.

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Blizzard Confirms ‘Diablo 3′ Expansion in the Works

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Blizzard Confirms ‘Diablo 3′ Expansion in the Works

Blizzard Confirms ‘Diablo 3′ Expansion in the Works

Earlier this week Blizzard officially confirmed that an expansion for Diablo 3 is in the works. The announcement was made during an earnings call by Mike Morhaime, the CEO of Blizzard, who also noted that there is not yet a timeline for the release of the expansion. There was quite a fuss over Diablo 3 earlier this year.

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Sometimes, paper is your best prototyping tool – even if you’re Nintendo

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Sometimes, paper is your best prototyping tool – even if you’re Nintendo

Sometimes, paper is your best prototyping tool – even if you’re Nintendo

Oh, it’s made out of cardboard! (laughs) – Nintendo president Satoru Iwata marvels at the simplicity of an early prototype of the Wii U‘s tablet controller (pictured above). Nintendo is banking on its Miiverse — a sort of mini-Facebook with a layer of console game makeup — to draw players to its new Wii U console.

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[Crashy News] Crash STILL being in high level negotiations, Says Omar.

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Reblogged from Crashy News:

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Click to visit the original postConfirmed as many times as possible to clarify for those who still don’t know if Crash is going to be in the game as DLC sooner or later, Omar had said again that Crash is still until now in talks to get him in a way or another into the game in response to the Interviewer’s question about Crash being in the game.

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Wee.. Again, I am waiting for a character reveal 🙂

Grand Theft Auto V larger than GTA IV, San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption together

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Grand Theft Auto V larger than GTA IV, San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption together

Grand Theft Auto V larger than GTA IV, San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption together

Information on Grand Theft Auto V is pouring forth from the digital pages of the latest Game Informer, and Kotaku has already posted some information online. While we agree with the big green K that you should pick up a copy yourself for the full details, we can’t help but share a bit of the juicy new tidbits on the game slated for spring 2013.

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